FAQ (IOS) by light_rock_zz

Version: 3.1 | Updated: 06/20/2024
FAQ of the Month Winner: January 2020 | Highest Rated Guide

Community Missions

Community Mission Technical Details & Strategies

Click here to go to the list of communities straight away.

Community missions reset every 72 hours. The mission debriefing will only come at the fastest, 15 minutes after the mission reset time. The time of reset is the birth time of the community. You can only leave a community under 2 conditions:

  • You are inside the current community for more than 72 hours.
  • You have not attempted the community mission. You are considered to have not attempted the mission if you did not kill a single invader in the mission. (This means you can start the mission, but kill yourself before any invader in wave 1-1 dies)

Community missions frequently feature 2 affinities of invaders. The invader affinity combination cycle is 7 missions long, but the weird thing is, the mission venue cycle is only 6 missions long. Thus, do not map a mission venue to the invader affinities that might be appearing. The cycle involving both invader affinity and mission venue is thus 42 (6×7) missions long, which there is no point to list them all since you are only interested to find out the invader affinities in the next community mission.

There is a possibility that one invader affinity may not appear in your current community mission. Instead, to find out the invader affinity combination of your next community mission, you should check out the invader affinity combination of the previous community mission, or even backtrack one further, as the number of community missions with Armored or Shielded invaders are one too many, with a possibility of the other invader affinity not appearing.

The affinity of invaders will only change between Acts, and it is up to the mission generator on which Acts it so decides to change the invader affinity (if at all). The change of affinities can happen more than once, and can differ between different communities.

The mission venue and mission cycles are as shown below. Note that the mission intel assumes the worst case scenario. There may be times where you may not have boomerangs in the mission.

By clicking on the different mission intel icons of invader weaponry, you will be redirected to the strategies page of this guide to advise you on how to counter the specific invader weaponry you click on.

Mission NoMission Venue
1.Zhey Auna
2.Arcology CQ-6
3.Prometheus Array
4.Blight, Sector[3,84]
5.Ceres Major
6.Gau Prime
Mission NoMission Type Combination
1. +
2. +
3. +
4. +
5. +
6. +
7. +

The difficulty level of community missions slowly ramp up as the Acts go by, going up to an approximate difficulty of Major rank missions in Act 6. On some rare occasions, the difficulty does go up to Commander rank missions, when MIRV Bloomers make their appearance. All communities have roughly the same difficulty level (for the same mission venue), so it does not matter which one you join in that aspect. In addition, the playing field does not increase in size from Act 5 to Act 6, unlike other Act transitions.

The rough difficulty progression of community missions is as follows:

  1. Community Mission Act 1 Difficulty ≈ Bronze ranks, leftmost mission, Act 1
  2. Community Mission Act 2 Difficulty ≈ Bronze ranks, middle mission, Act 2
  3. Community Mission Act 3 Difficulty ≈ Silver ranks, middle mission, Act 3
  4. Community Mission Act 4 Difficulty ≈ Silver ranks, rightmost mission, Act 4
  5. Community Mission Act 5 Difficulty ≈ Gold ranks, middle mission, Act 5
  6. Community Mission Act 6 Difficulty ≈ Gold ranks, rightmost mission, Act 5

Note that many communities are at a different mission venue than others due to creation time, so the difficulty may not feel the same as the mission venue is different. However, you can expect the same 2 invader affinities for the same mission venue across all communities (or for those communities who are lagging behind, when it hits the mission venue another community has already passed, this applies). There are exceptions, where the mission generator somehow only generates one affinity of invaders across all Acts for a certain community but not another community. You can also expect the same difficulty level for a specific community mission with the same invader affinity combination (not counting the fact one affinity may sometimes not appear at all) in the same mission venue for any 2 communities, even as they may not currently be on the same mission as mentioned.

Community missions tend to feature very dense and/or heavy waves starting from Act 4 or 5, particularly Ravens, so using ships with AoE damage means you are going to have a lot of fun (and also have an easier time clearing them). You should not be afraid to spam your Aura because particles are generally abundant. Note that Rocs and Condors can appear in both Act 5 and 6. Get a ship of the matching weapon affinity for later Acts, such as Act 5 and 6. Community missions are also very generic missions, so expect lasers and any type of bullets to appear except Laser MIRVs, Caged MIRVs, speed lasers, Pellet Spinners (Wall), Shuriken Spreads or DD weapons. So use a ship that matches the affinity of invaders in later Acts.

It is possible to further maximize the credit earning from community missions. This involves a lot of community hopping. The idea is to hop over to the next community whose community mission is very close to a reset, and quickly complete it before it can reset. Because you can leave the community after 72 hours, that means you will be doing 2 community missions, one just before the reset and one during the 72 hours of the upcoming community mission, before doing the next community hop. Here are the exact steps.

  1. Wait for your current community to end. Make sure you have been there for at least 72 hours.
  2. Join a new community where the reset time is very soon. E.g. 30 minutes.
  3. Complete the mission to gain ¢400
  4. Wait for the community mission to reset and complete the new mission, to gain another ¢400.
  5. Wait ~72h for this new community mission to reset. Do NOT complete this new mission.
  6. Join a new community that ends soon and repeat ad infinitum.

The ideal case is that you always find a community whose reset time is about 30 minutes after the community you were at (to give you time to complete the mission). Let's call this difference in reset time as x, in terms of hours. Now x < 72 for sure. This translates you getting 800¢ every (72 + x) hours, instead of 800¢ every 144 hours (2×72), which means in the long run, you earn more credits. The reset time of the various known communities are shown below to aid you in this credit maximization technique. Give and take 1 minute for accuracy (±1 minute for the time shown below). It may also be desirable to find a community with a comfortable reset time so that you can clear 2 community missions in a row. The communities that have reset times which are close to the reset time of daily/specialist missions (within 30 minutes) are highlighted as well.

List of Communities

Please note that how many players are in the community and how many active players in the community will not be stated here, as this changes all the time.

CommunityReset DayReset Time (UTC+0)
pheonixDay 112:14am
CDay 112:15am
Dark AngelsDay 112:34am
oneDay 112:36am
毁灭战士Day 11:08am
Felix FelicisDay 11:09am
RedditDay 11:17am
Bridge Between the StarsDay 11:54am
ChaosFleetDay 11:56am
goldDay 11:57am
GDay 12:16am
zDay 12:21am
cDay 13:00am
zziDay 13:22am
italiaDay 13:51am
PhoenixFireDay 14:21am
aDay 15:02am
HelloDay 15:33am
9Day 15:57am
凤凰Day 16:32am
zzvDay 16:36am
中国Day 16:52am
lolDay 17:00am
phoenix 2Day 17:25am
Band of BrothersDay 18:03am
OneDay 18:08am
5Day 18:48am
okDay 19:39am
hDay 19:48am
FiriDay 19:59am
123Day 110:37am
AHeadDay 111:05am
한국Day 111:36am
BDay 112:11pm
Davination IIDay 112:59pm
EDay 11:08pm
dodgeDay 12:01pm
zznDay 13:03pm
DavinationDay 13:11pm
Day 13:33pm
communityDay 14:06pm
sDay 14:24am
zzcDay 14:26pm
111Day 14:28pm
aaaDay 14:32pm
ukDay 14:41pm
noobsDay 15:43pm
哈哈Day 15:47pm
jDay 17:45pm
idkDay 18:51pm
自由之翼Day 19:06pm
testDay 110:09pm
1Day 111:11pm
2Day 111:58pm
headDay 212:20am
DDay 212:23am
666Day 212:33am
日本Day 212:38am
8Day 212:38am
hhDay 212:40am
iDay 212:54am
hiDay 212:58am
joinDay 21:31am
zzqDay 21:43am
SGDay 22:34am
WarDay 23:57am
zzgDay 23:58am
MythDay 24:39am
JPN_LobiDay 24:59am
abcDay 25:25am
dDay 25:34am
ADay 26:03am
frDay 26:14am
zzdDay 26:59am
HonorDay 27:41am
redditDay 28:14am
Phoenix 2Day 28:20am
CourtroomDay 28:33am
zzeDay 29:30am
vDay 210:26am
FDay 210:30am
winDay 210:50am
jpDay 211:16am
ggDay 211:35am
Bullet HellspawnDay 211:40am
zzaDay 21:00pm
cnDay 21:47pm
gDay 21:55pm
vietnamDay 22:02pm
singaporeDay 22:30pm
helloDay 22:32pm
mDay 2


Felix-FelicisDay 2


opDay 2


wDay 2


shootDay 2


kDay 2


GermanyDay 2


toucharcadeDay 28:10pm
qDay 312:11am
kkDay 312:25am
yoloDay 312:31am
spaceDay 312:52am
POWERDay 31:04am
NeptuneDay 31:08am
BulletDay 31:29am
0Day 32:03am
koreaDay 32:35am
zzbDay 33:00am
zzkDay 34:10am
rDay 35:21am
zzlDay 36:30am
franceDay 37:06am
fDay 37:15am
speedDay 37:40am
YoloDay 38:26am
noobDay 39:32am
tDay 39:57am
BeanosDay 310:24am
zzhDay 310:28am
zzfDay 311:57am
lDay 31:21pm
bDay 31:34pm
zzmDay 32:30pm
zzoDay 33:23pm
YOLODay 33:36pm
firiDay 34:17pm
Imperial StarfleetDay 36:41pm
Spocks LaboratoryDay 36:50pm
usaDay 37:45pm
uDay 38:41pm
phoenixDay 39:05pm
usDay 39:41pm
PhoenixDay 39:43pm

The breakdown of the community mission rewards per wave cleared is shown below:

Wave¢ for clearing waveCumulative Total

Trivia: On 17 March 2024, due to the devs updating the servers to a newer version of Python and an updated code structure, which somehow caused the difficulty to be not taken into account, the community mission generator broke for one cycle. This created a hilariously easy community mission for all communities consisting of mostly T1 pellet launchers on all invaders except in early waves. Here's how it looked like on one of these hilariously easy community missions.